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All I want for Christmas - is a pain free day!

Chartered physiotherapists help take the pain out of Christmas.

Christmas Day should be a time to celebrate, relax and unwind. But for many of us, all the preparations can raise our stress levels and put us at risk of sustaining an injury.

Latest figures show around 80,000 people will go to hospital over the Christmas and New Year period because of an accident in the home.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has produced Take the pain out of Christmas – essential tips on how to have a pain-free Christmas this year. For many Christmas Day is spent at home, but it is also an extraordinary day as you are guaranteed to do things that are 'out of normal routine', says chartered physiotherapist Sammy Margo.

'Hours will be spent sitting in slumped or awkward positions. This, combined with the stress of the occasion, can aggravate weak areas such as the low back, neck and shoulders. The CSP’s guide highlights the parts of Christmas Day when you are at most risk and when to be on your guard. Making simple adjustments to your posture when you prepare the meal, sit down at the dining table and open and play with your presents, for example, will make sure Christmas Day doesn’t become a pain.'

The CSP’s guide provides information on improving your posture, staying active and relieving stress so you can ward off any discomforts associated with Christmas. Use the Wiord download link below to view the CSP guide.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 2003

Notes to editors

For further information please call the CSP press office on 020 7306 6163/6616 or on 07795 564 240 / 07786 332 197 / 07900 160 349 (Mobiles).

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is the professional, educational and trade union body for the country’s 45,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and assistants.

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